A Biographical Multimedia Mosaic...

Emma Langgaard (1861-1926)

At the age of 19, Emma Foss, the grandchild of C.C. Hornung (owner of the Hornung & Møller piano factory), married Siegfried Langgaard. 13 years later she became the mother of the couple's only child, Rued.

Emma Langgaard trained as a pianist in Copenhagen, but only played at major concerts on a few occasions. She gave private piano lessons in their home in Niels Juelsgade and was for many years a voluntary worker for the YWCA. In connection with this work she sometimes arranged charity concerts, at which she herself played - now and then together with the young Rued Langgaard. Emma Langgaard was also the leader of the YWCA choir for a number of years.

Like her husband, Emma Langgaard was greatly attracted by Wagner's music and his philosophy of music. She translated into Danish Hans von Wolzogen's Richard Wagner og Kristendommen (Richard Wagner and Christianity) (1911) and published in 1913 on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Wagner's death a book entitled Et lille Mindeord særligt tilegnet danske Kvinder (A Few Words of Remembrance Especially Dedicated to Danish Women).