Articles and other literatureIncludes non-Danish Langgaard literature available on this website (for articles in Danish: please cf. the Danish version of this dokument. | |
By Rued Langgaard | |
Kunst og Salmesang (Art and
the Singing of Hymns)
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Tog på Vejen
(Passing Train) "Den store Mester kommer" og
Rud Langgaard ("Behold the Master Cometh" and Rud
Langgaard) Et Drama paa Orglet i Frue Kirke
(A Drama at the Organ in Frue Kirke)
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About Rued Langgaard
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An "Ecstatic Outsider": Rued
Langgaard (1893-1952) Rued Langgaard About Messis seen from the
organist's angle By Bendt Viinholt Nielsen Introduction from a brochure published in 1999. Also in French and in German. A complete list of literature by and about Langgaard is to be found in the Bibliography. | |