Articles and other literature

Includes non-Danish Langgaard literature available on this website (for articles in Danish: please cf. the Danish version of this dokument.

By Rued Langgaard

Kunst og Salmesang (Art and the Singing of Hymns)
Kirken, Vol. 5, 1933, pp. 68-72


Tog på Vejen (Passing Train)
In front of Rud Langgaard's Harmonium.
Hver 8. Dag, 31 January 1919.

"Den store Mester kommer" og Rud Langgaard ("Behold the Master Cometh" and Rud Langgaard)
B.T., 24 Januar 1922

Et Drama paa Orglet i Frue Kirke (A Drama at the Organ in Frue Kirke)
Rued Langgaard speaks about Høstens Tid (Harvest Time) and about the vulgarisation that followed.
Berlingske Aftenavis, 21 April 1936.

About Rued Langgaard

An "Ecstatic Outsider": Rued Langgaard (1893-1952)
By Bendt Viinholt Nielsen.
Article published in 1995.

Rued Langgaard
By Ole Schmidt
A personal evaluation written for this website in 1996.

About Messis seen from the organist's angle
By Flemming Friis
Article written for this website in 1997.

Rued Langgaard (1893-1952)
By Bendt Viinholt Nielsen
Introduction from a brochure published in 1999.
Also in French and in German.

A complete list of literature by and about Langgaard is to be found in the Bibliography.